Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Have a Confession...

My mind is completely, 120% in summer mode.  It is taking everything I have in me to peel myself out of bed, put on clothes, and go to school.  Is anyone else with me?  Then when you add all the testing, final concepts I need to teach, paperwork to fill out, final IEP meetings... it all seems to be piling up as the days go on!  The end of the year is becoming a massive monster that's towering over me and casting a shadow on every day.

With all that stress, exhaustion, testing, and paperwork I find myself continually counting down.  "Only 3 more weeks!"  Just ask me any day, and I can tell you how many school days left. *It's 15 and a half.*  Whenever my kids start to get on my nerves I find myself thinking, "I can't wait to finish this year and move on to the next!"  And from talking to the other teachers, this seems to be a theme as the end of the year draws closer.

A few days ago I was listening to the radio and heard something that was definitely meant for me.  A teacher called in to the station and said that a friend called her out on this attitude that she had been experiencing.  When she posted the number of school days left on Facebook, a friend commented and reminded her that her 25 days until freedom were also the only days she had left to minister to her students.  Wow!  Talk about a shot to the heart.  Isn't that one of the main reasons we become teachers?  To change lives and make an impact?

Now don't get me wrong, I am still looking forward to summer.  Lord knows I need it after this crazy, stressful year.  And there are a million things I want to do differently next year.  But what would the rest of my year look like if I adjusted my attitude to cherish every single second (yes, the good and the bad) with my students?  What could I do with those 15 days I have left?  

Throughout my first year of teaching I have found it is easy to constantly look ahead.  From next week to next year, we are always planning for the future.  I need to constantly remind myself to not let my planning make me miss the opportunities I have today.  So my challenge to myself (and my fellow teachers) is to spend a little time every morning asking God to change our attitude so that we look at our day as a chance to be His hands and feet.  And hopefully I can enter next year with this attitude.  If I do, I think next year will look very different.