Monday, June 10, 2013

Busy Doing Nothing

Why is it that whenever summer begins, I miss school time?  Don't get me wrong - I absolutely LOVE having time off.  After all the craziness of life my body definitely needs some rest.  But my days are usually full, which makes it difficult for me to really enjoy the laziness of summer.  Does anybody else have difficulty finding that balance?  The one where you're not insanely busy but you're not shamefully lazy either?  It seems to be something I have difficulty doing.  Maybe one day I'll get it right.

The invitations are out and the wedding is less than two months away.  Everything is starting to feel so real.  Sean is coming to town tomorrow and I cannot wait for him to get here!  After all the time away and the crazy wedding planning it will be nice to see him again.  Unfortunately the poor guy has to brave the awful Fresno heat.  Which, if you know him, means he must love me a lot. :)

This week Dad and I have been working on some DIY projects for the wedding.  It's so exciting to see everything coming together!  We're working on a picture display, and Dad is even making our cake topper!  I owe him BIG time.  He's so good to me. :)

The beautiful carving of the side panels!!

Daddy hard at work :)

The first week of the Contentment Challenge is over and I have mixed reviews.  I have been great about not having sweets, which has been somewhat difficult but doable so far.  I haven't made much progress on my other goals though.  I haven't started my books, and I have not experimented with photography yet.  I've also been awful about spending time with God lately (full disclosure here).  Somehow it is SO much harder to do all these things when I have plenty of time.  Is that not the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard?  I seem to work much better with a schedule.  When I have time I waste it.  Hence the desire to get back on a schedule.  

My goal for the next week of the challenge is to start reading my Bible first thing when I get up in the morning.  If I don't do it right away, I won't do it.  So if that means getting up a bit earlier, that's what I'm going to do!  I'll check in next week to let you all know how it's going!

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