Thursday, July 11, 2013

Desk Transformation DIY

Well, it only took me a few days and I am FINISHED!!  The desk is done!  When I get excited about a project I get a little one track minded and just want to get to the end.  Now before we get into specifics I must preface this post by saying I honestly had NO idea what I was doing.  The paint was probably wrong, and I probably didn’t sand it down as much as I should have.  BUT I had free supplies and they worked and I’m so happy with how it turned out. 

To begin, let’s look at a before and after shot. :)



I started by sanding down every part of the desk.  As I always do when I have a DIY project, I called my dad.  He’s my go-to guy for all things DIY!  He said to sand it down so the gloss was gone, so that’s what I did.  Then I put a coat of primer on it and let it dry for a little while.
Sanded, primed, and ready to go!

After the primer dried, I painted the desk with my mint green paint.  Once the first coat was on I realized it doesn't look as green as I thought it would.  A second coat probably would have fixed this, but I’m impatient and I also liked the vintage look with only one coat so I left it.  
My mint green (sort of) desk!!

It needed something more so I went to my other DIY go-to…Pinterest!  That’s where I found a lovely bird silhouette that I loved.  Since I’m poor I decided to skip the stencil and just freehand it.  I think it turned out pretty nicely!

That’s it!  I have some improvements I want to do later on.  I think these drawer pulls would look great on the desk!

And this stenciling would look really cool in the recessed boxed areas of the drawer if I got a darker mint green.

For right now, I am a poor soon to be newlywed and must stop myself before I go spending more money.  Don’t you hate when that gets in the way of projects?  When I’m working and have an income I might make those changes to the desk, but for right now I am enjoying the fruits of my labor.  Now to just get a classroom to put it in!

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