Monday, March 10, 2014

Delicious Desserts and Seussical Support

I made the most delicious dessert on Sunday!  Really.  It was delicious.  Lick your plate delicious.  What was it you ask?  Mini Pear Pies with ice cream and caramel.  I found this recipe on Pinterest that made the pear pies with blue cheese and walnuts.  I altered it by taking out the cheese, adding caramel, and substituting toasted almonds for the walnuts.  And voila!  This is what we got:

As I said, it was delicious and deceptively easy. 

This week our 3rd-5th graders are beginning testing.  I am SO glad my poor little children don't have to deal with this.  At our school the administration assigned each lower grade class a buddy class to encourage during the testing period.  On the first day of the week we decorate their door and deliver letters from our class to encourage the kids.  Then we deliver candy for the kid each day.  I don't have to decorate my buddy's door until next week, but I wanted to get it ready tonight so it's one less thing to deal with next week.  I was racking my brain for an idea and decided to draw inspiration from our Dr. Seuss week.

It turned out so cute!  And I love the trufulla trees and the color they add.  My kids are going to write notes and we'll attach them to the door the first day.  Yay for Dr. Seuss!

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