Saturday, June 21, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Announcement: The Facebook events for the Craft Fair are up!!  Yay!!!  Check them out!
   Crafting Day:
   Crafting Fair:

Why is it that we are so excited to travel places, but once we've been away from home we are so eager to get back to our comfy bed and squishy pillow?  I don't know about you, but I do this ALL the time.  It's not that I don't enjoy the vacation.  This past week I went to Clovis to visit my family.  Since mom had shoulder surgery on Monday and Sunday was Father's Day it was perfect timing!  I love going back to see my family and get caught up with everyone.  I even got to visit with my friend Rachel whom I haven't seen in years.  As much as I loved being in Clovis, I was happy to get back to my bed and see Sean.

On the way back I had some time to kill in the airport.  I took the opportunity to have some quiet time (which I wasn't too good about over my vacation).  I read the story in Mark 9:14-29 where a father comes to Jesus and asks him to help his son who has been possessed by an evil spirit.  The man ends his request by adding "if you can".  Jesus tells the father that anything is possible if a person believes.

"The father instantly cried out, 'I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief.'" (Mark 9:24)

I don't know about you, but I have difficulty processing the idea of believing and having unbelief at the same time.  I think we're taught to think that everything is black and white.  Either you agree, or don't.  You believe, or you don't.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I am like the father in this story.  Especially when I am confronting something big or something that I cannot do on my own.  I had this conflict when I went to Kenya.  The idea of raising funds for the trip was daunting.  I believed God could help because I had seen Him do it before (for myself and countless others), but I also struggled with unbelief that God could work in this situation.  It's the age old struggle.  I know God is able and has done things like this for others, but would He really do it for this?  For me?  How many times have I had this debate in my head?

I've even been having this struggle with the Craft Fair.  I have never put on anything like this.  This is something completely new to me.  I believe that God can make this a success because it is something that is important and I believe that He can do anything.  But then that little voice starts again.  Are you sure He's going to do this?  I mean, how many other things does God have to deal with?  

The truth is my unbelief doesn't limit God.  I do.  When I approach these instances of doubt, I can respond in one of two ways.

1.  I can give in to that doubt and turn away from where I feel God is leading.

2.  I can respond like the father in the story.  "Lord I believe, but help me overcome my unbelief."  

It's amazing what God can do when we respond with the second sentence.  So take a second this week to see what God's calling you to and ask Him to work in spite of the unbelief you feel.

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